Meet The Team

Lenny Cottrell


Why Valley Trail Series?

I’ve always been passionate about fitness—I’ve participated in everything from triathlons and half marathons to adventure and bike races. After completing a 27 year career in law enforcement, my wife MaryBeth and I opened CrossFit Escalate in Northvale, NJ. Since then we’ve been achieving the ultimate reward—helping others achieve their personal health and fitness goals through our coaching experience.

I’ve also been a big outdoors guy my whole life and have experienced the physical and mental benefits of trail running—so, I began recommending it to members of my gym. AfterI saw the life-changing effects it was having on our members, I wanted to be able to expand trail running to the whole Northern NJ community.

And that’s how Valley Trail Series was born.



CrossFit L1 & L2

CrossFit Strongman

CrossFit Gymnastics

Physical Conditioning Instructor


What you might not know about me...

These days, I'm getting older, but I'm not slowing down. Most of the time you can find me at CrossFit Escalate with my wife MaryBeth. When I’m not busy with my businesses, I like to run the trails in Bergen County, play golf, hike with my dog Grace, and mountain bike. 

I also like to cook and travel. Over the last 4 years I’ve seen the Northern Lights, driven a dog sled team, swam with turtles, ice climbed, white water rafted, zip lined a rainforest and attended a mass given by the Pope.